Small series overmolding for medical technology

Mühldorf am Inn, October 26, 2023

As a specialist for interfaces, ODU develops and produces individual systems as well as standard solutions for medical applications - from MRI-devices to endoscopy, the system solutions are developed according to the strictest regulations and applicable standards. In applications where, high currents or temperatures act, high data rates are transmitted via copper or even fiber optic lines, and tightness is important, it is not enough to simply offer a high-quality connector and disregard the cable assembly. Only through connection with the appropriate cable and a process-safe connection can a connector meet the requirements of the respective customer application. If the complete solution comes from a single source, ODU can also guarantee the reliability of the cable assembly.

Custom overmolding

Over the past years, ODU has developed into a specialist for customer-specific overmolding.

From the connection of the connector to the cable, the options range from standard cable bend relief and thermoplastic overmolding to silicone overmolding for increased strain relief and bend protection. The tools are developed and manufactured at ODU for straight or angled designs are designed (depending on the application) for sample, small series or large series production. This means that even very small series can be produced without high tooling costs.

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PR Section
Andreas Pfeffer

Product Marketing Specialist
